Sunday 23 June 2013

How to write a poem..

I am going to try
No, no, not fry.
Gonna try to write a poem

My poem could have some cows
Some outer space , space cows
Now we need some adventure spice
How about some monkey, guys?

They could have a big fight
One that shows who has flight
I know that its crazy
'cos that means they can be lazy
because they just need to float!!

Now I have to write the poem

wait, what is it you say?
I've written the story! you don't say!
Now I won't have to sweat
to write a poem you met!!

I find a new home

I am Candy Floss- a small Russian dwarf hamster. This is my story of how I became the part of new Kollur family...

There I was minding my own business, with my back turned at those rude people, staring at me and my house-mates like we were movie stars or the eighth wonder of the world. That is why we love to curl up in the bed and sleep at day so it would be difficult for those ill- mannered people to gush over us. Once in a while I do go and eat ‘n’ drink at lunch and breakfast but at dinner (when the humans are asleep) we have a feast. Any way as I was sleeping suddenly felt our brown bed top lift and giant 5 chubby sticks and a circle which people use to hold stuff tower over us! We were petrified and started to scramble and dig through the floor to safety!!! At first my friend, the white Russian dwarf, was picked up and I silently started to weep, thinking it was the last time we’d see him. There was also a small girl I hadn’t noticed, at the back. Meanwhile, I was agreeing with my other friend that the human had picked the wrong hamster. The white one had a scraggy temper and a ferocious bite and so as he hissed violently to be put down, the small girl shook her head vigorously as to tell no. Next I was picked up. Being the youngest, I was more scared and less attacking. As I whimpered, the girl seemed to like me and with one word and a smile, I had a new owner. The next thing I knew, I was saying goodbye and was stuffed in a cardboard box. At that time if I bit her hand, I’d still be home .now I am glad I didn’t.
Soon I was stowed in and felt like I was being moved about. Some time later it stopped and felt like I was put down. After what seemed like a life-time, I was finally let out and I slowly came out. I quickly scampered inside a big bed.  First few days at new place (with new smelling bed) was very strange. I always tried to hid myself into corners and dig myself deep into the pile of soft scrapings of wood. But that seems so long ago now since a few days later the little girl Jappi picked me up and cuddled me. I am at home again…

Thursday 22 November 2012

Day one in the new home

Darkness around, and I woke up. It was still middle of the night and I was all tucked up cosily in my bed.

Scenes from the morning started playing like a movie. It was a tough day for me, mom and dad. Shifting from hotel to new rented house in an alien land was quite difficult. And for me it was little scary too. The quietness (unlike noisy Indian ambience) where you can hear whispers loudly "sounded" creepy. You can hear every step. Moreover, there was no…no…no home like feeling yet. Biggest problem was that we don’t yet have a TV at new house and so I latched onto every minute of TV at hotel, trying to soak in like a camel would store water in its hump, before starting the long journey in a desert.

Finally the car keys turned on the and rattling sound of engine with the loud heater fan inside started humming in unison and we started down the narrow lanes and green pastures….


Suddenly my eyes opened and I felt a movement and then I saw a streak of light. It beckoned me to follow. I followed the light in thin air with mixed feelings of fear and excitement. I wondered what was in store for me and at the same time trembled if I will be able to return home! It invoked a conversation from within. The safety part of mine kept saying-“Don’t go Jappi. You will be in great danger”. But adventurous part pegged me on, “You have learnt karate, even if you left it at yellow belt. You can surely defeat the bad guys or at least scream aloud!”

 And then I saw my unicorn trying to set itself free. The walls around were looking at me. I broke into a cold sweat. I was running after the unicorn in the dreamland and I heard something falling down the staircase. Might have been a vase or pot. And I pulled the covers over my head and felt for protection of my mom by side…and slept off, huddled in the cosy comfort of my “fairy” mother.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

The journey in the armchair

I was in the armchair
said I narrating at a pace
When suddenly I felt the air
blowing on my face!

And then I saw on the road
many a kids and cats
and suddenly I found myself in Shiva's abode
and sages on the mats.

Glad was I to be down the mountain
for it was very bumpy
Happy to in the strange field of cotton
with no cotton, but eggs
I thought I saw Humpty Dumpty
But instead I saw pegs

Said I ,sadly, was it me?
And that's when I saw my mom
holding my wardrobe key.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Stand out and stare..

     I cannot stand out and stare as there is too much work at school. Homework, going to tuitions or doing projects is nothing. Many a times I even have to go out to shopping malls or accompany parents to someone's house from 11 am to 10 in the night! With this fast paced life, there is really no time to lookout and appreciate nature's beauty all around us.

Sometimes, we do get lucky and get an opportunity to stand and glance (only glance) out of the window. But then I have to quickly return to our routine world again and start rattling away with the chores. If only I can, then I would love to sit long hours in the balcony and stare at the lovely violet and indigo afternoon sky, with birds chirruping their way to home or to nowhere; the gentle breeze blowing through the trees causing them to sway a little or tiny drops of rain gently pitter-patter on the roof of the house. I would go for a walk, see blooms and butterflies hovering around me and the sun rising behind the gray mountains.

Alas, it can only be a dream to most and even impossible for some. I think that at least children should enjoy all this because when we grow up we might never be able to see it again.

Friday 5 October 2012

Lunch time at School..

At 12 30 pm, the bell rang for lunch at school and everybody ran out. However, I and Ananya went out last, in the fear of being followed. As we went down the winding stairs   many –a thoughts went racing in my mind; worries about what is in store ahead during the lunch hour. I knew that there is no escape from what was going to happen.
After what seemed like a century, we reached the designated place at the ground. By that time we could see that all the lunchboxes were opened and people had their handful and mouthful –both with food and chitter-chatter. Slowly we also opened our boxes.

And I remembered what happened at snack break earlier….
I was the first to eat my “LUNCH” as I tried to preserve “the snack” for later (and relish slowly). How could you expect me to complete the lunch in 10 minutes snack break?

Back to lunch time.
I quickly gobbled our boring, tasteless (Rotis with curry, can it ever be tasty or different) lunch or whatever was left of it from snack break. By this time, my friend Ananya also had gulped her stuff. We tried to sneak away from the group - Sneha, Aditi, Shruti,Yesha, and Anusha B. We tried to washout the remnants of tasteless rotis, with sufficient water, so as not spoil the taste of what was about to come.

World seemed to have gone into slow motion, as we opened our snackbox.

We checked what Ananya’s had in it. A slice of Cheese and a Nutri bar, smiling at us, inviting our watering mouth. I also had an almost melting chocolate given to me earlier by Anusha B. But the real star of the day has to wait for little longer.

We , I and Ananya,  divided the chocolate into half and slowly licked it till we were only left with flavoured fingers. Then it was the turn of Cheesy slice and Nutri bar (of course divided into two), to go the same route.
We two huddled together to ensure not even the smell of IT goes out. You never know how hyper my friends can become, if they as much as sniff IT.  For a moment, a horrible evil thought took over my mind- should I run away with the treasure box? I know it is not right to ditch your friend, but it is not always easy to control.

Delicious fruity smell engulfed the atmosphere. Finally, the star of the day was to make the appearance – 10 Jelly Belly and single Fruit Gem. Slowly one by one, (every piece equally divided) each of the 10 pieces made their way to our eager and watering tongue. First strawberry, then lime, followed by bubble gum….and so on. We took care not to bite them, just sucked and let the juices flow in.
We were completely lost, savouring the sweet-sour taste- two princesses in paradise.

Finally, it was time for the king to arrive in our mouth. I knew that had I not divided the fruit gem properly. If she comes to know, my friend would have strangled me. Sadly, our joy was to not last long. For the second we kept the sour sweet in our mouth, the wretched bell rang. Yet we sucked on the tasty gem through class.

Have you ever experienced this?